Can I Use Feature Documentation

Define/Explain Can I Use

Can I Use provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers. It's an invaluable resource for web developers to check if HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features are compatible with specific browsers or versions.

4 Specific Uses of resource information

1. Checking cross-browser compatibility for CSS properties and HTML elements.

2. Identifying JavaScript API and ECMAScript support across various browsers.

3. Planning progressive enhancement strategies by understanding browser support for cutting-edge features.

4. Accessing usage data for specific features to make informed decisions on polyfills or fallbacks.

2 Properties - Links to page(s) - Document the Property

Flexbox: A CSS layout model that allows items in a container to be distributed and aligned efficiently. It's interesting due to its flexibility in handling different layout tasks.
Reference: Can I Use - Flexbox

Grid Layout: A powerful CSS layout system designed for the two-dimensional layout of items on a webpage. It's intriguing because it simplifies the creation of complex web layouts.
Reference: Can I Use - Grid Layout

Summary of the Documentation

This documentation has introduced "Can I Use", a tool crucial for web development, by explaining its purpose and detailing specific uses. We've explored two interesting properties, Flexbox and Grid Layout, showcasing their importance and browser support. Understanding these resources is essential for developing compatible and modern web applications.


  1. Can I Use
  2. MDN Web Docs