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PHP Magic Constants Documentation


The __LINE__ magic constant returns the current line number of the file where it is used. This is particularly useful for debugging, as it helps to pinpoint where an issue occurs within a file.

PHP Demo:

echo 'Current Line: ' . __LINE__;


echo 'Current Line: ' . __LINE__;


The __FILE__ magic constant returns the full path and filename of the file in which it is used. This is useful for debugging and including files, as it helps to track the exact location of the file being executed.

PHP Demo:

echo 'File Path: ' . __FILE__;


echo 'File Path: ' . __FILE__;


The __DIR__ magic constant returns the directory of the file where it is used. This is helpful for including files or referencing paths relative to the current directory.

PHP Demo:

echo 'Directory Path: ' . __DIR__;


echo 'Directory Path: ' . __DIR__;


The __FUNCTION__ magic constant returns the name of the function in which it is used. If used outside of a function, it returns an empty string. This is useful for debugging and tracing function calls.

PHP Demo:

function demoFunction() {
echo 'Function Name: ' . __FUNCTION__;


function demoFunction() {
echo 'Function Name: ' . __FUNCTION__;
