

The provided code snippet is part of an HTML structure for a website's section dedicated to articles, specifically within the realm of graphic design. It outlines a layout that includes a collection of content cards, each potentially representing an individual article. These cards are organized in a grid layout and contain elements such as an article header with a link to a full article titled "How to Convert a Multipage PDF to Greyscale," the publication date ("22 Dec 2023"), and a link to a graphic design category. The code aims to present articles in an organized and visually appealing manner


Upon hovering over the "more articles" box on the website, it undergoes a transformation to engage and guide the user: the box changes color for visual emphasis, the text "more articles" moves and becomes bold to attract attention, and an arrow animates from left to right, indicating direction and inviting the user to explore further content. These interactions combine to create a clear and engaging call-to-action.


The animated "V" that greets users upon loading Veerle's blog serves as a captivating entrance, seamlessly blending branding with user engagement. This animation not only grabs attention but also communicates the site's creative ethos, offering a memorable introduction that transitions users smoothly into the main content. Its aesthetic appeal and interactivity showcase technical skill and artistic sensibility, enhancing the overall user experience. Optimized for quick loading and inclusivity, the animation is designed to be accessible to all users, making it a key element in fostering a positive and engaging first impression of the site, encouraging deeper exploration of its content.


Veerle's blog is a showcase of Veerle Pieters' expertise in graphic and web design, offering a wealth of knowledge through tutorials, insights, and project showcases. It stands as both an educational platform for designers and a demonstration of effective web design, characterized by its intuitive navigation, engaging layout, and thoughtful interactivity. The site reflects Veerle's passion for design, blending bold aesthetics with practical usability, making it a valuable resource for the design community.